It is best to start by learning the major chords first. The best way to learn them is in the order of the key signatures on the circle of fifths. The key signature of C is at the 12 o'clock position on the circle of fifths. This will be the starting point.
Next, learn the major chords for the key signatures from 1 sharp to 7 sharps in that order, and then the major chords for the key signatures from 1 flat to 7 flats in that order. Learning them in this order is important because it will make things easier later on. Remember, on a circle of fifths picture, the sharps are on the right side of the circle, and the flats are on the left side of the circle.
To the right of C on the circle of fifths, the key signatures with sharps, in order from 1 to 7 are G, D, A, E, B, F#, and C#. If you don't remember this order, just remember the phrase "Goes Down And Ends Battle Father Charles". The first letter of each word is the order: G, D, A, E, B, F#, and C#. Notice that the last two, F# and C# have sharps in their name.
Think of going from no sharps to more sharps in the chords as you move from our starting point C at 12 o'clock to C#. As you work your way towards the end of the phrase, you will have more sharps for the major chords. The chords below are grouped into how many sharps are in each. This is an easy way to remember them.
The C major chord is (C, E, G). No sharps for any note.
The G major chord is (G, B, D). No sharps for any note.
The D major chord is (D, F#, A). The middle note is sharp.
The A major chord is (A, C#, E). The middle note is sharp.
The E major chord is (E, G#, B). The middle note is sharp.
The B major chord is (B, D#, F#). The second and third notes are sharp.
The F# major chord is (F#, A#, C#). All three notes are sharp.
The C# major chord is (C#, E#, G#). All three notes are sharp.
To the left of C on the circle of fifths, the key signatures with flats, in order from 1 to 7 are F, Bb, Eb, Ab, Db, Gb, and Cb. If you don't remember this order, just remember the phrase "Father's Battle Ends And Down Goes Charles". The first letter of each word is the order: F, Bb, Eb, Ab, Db, Gb, and Cb. Notice that they all have flats in their name except the F.
Think of going from no flats to more flats in the chords as you move from F to Cb. As you work your way towards the end of the phrase, you will have more flats for the major chords. The chords below are grouped into how many flats are in each. This is an easy way to remember them.
The F major chord is (F, A, C). No flats for any note.
The Bb major chord is (Bb, D, F). The first note is flat.
The Eb major chord is (Eb, G, Bb). The first and last notes are flat.
The Ab major chord is (Ab, C, Eb). The first and last notes are flat.
The Db major chord is (Db, F, Ab). The first and last notes are flat.
The Gb major chord is (Gb, Bb, Db). All three notes are flat.
The Cb major chord is (Cb, Eb, Gb). All three notes are flat.
Try to memorize all of these major chords. Memorizing them by the groups they are in will make things much easier. All the other chords: minor, augmented, and diminished can be learned if you know the major chords, but with some minor changes. The four note chords will also be easier to learn once you know these.
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